So it's been a very long time since my last post, namely since I was in Venezuela! I think it's about time for an update.
I'm in my last year, second to last quarter at the University of Washington. I've finished my Spanish major and am working on a bachelor of arts in Economics. For the past several months I've been praying about, discussing, and checking out different options for after graduation. It's been sometimes frustrating because I don't seem to have a clear calling like when I was deciding to go to Venezuela. That decision seemed to be simply the natural next step. Now it's not so clear, possibly because there are many more options.
My options as I see them so far are doing another year of STINT in Venezuela, interning state-side with Campus Crusade, going on staff with Crusade, joining some other ministry, or getting a secular marketplace job. At this point I think I've decided I'm not going to do another year of STINT, and I'm leaning towards getting a secular job at least for a year or so to pay off student loans and just to check it out. People in the workplace need Jesus too!
Classes are going fine, including a guitar class that I have been enjoying a lot. You can expect my first hit-single album to release in the next couple months ;-).
I'm involved with Crusade campus ministry as a student again. We can definitely use prayer for an influx of Holy Spirit zeal to overtake us and give us all a heart to see God's mission accomplished in these last two quarters. Pray for me and classmates as we plan how to reach out and transform our dorm communities for Christ.
Signing off for now.