Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Back from the tropics!

We're back from Maracaibo and Aruba! All the Venezuela staff came together the first week and we shared what God has been doing in our respective cities/campuses- it was very encouraging to hear about the growth that is happening in other places in Venezuela! We also planned for this year's national congreso, "Solo Uno," and my team is planning a catalytic retreat as well- where students from non-staffed campuses can come be equipped for starting a movement for Christ in their university.

Aruba was excellent as well- snorkeling, beach volleyball, and ocean sunsets were included in our VISA renewal trip. We managed to suffer through it, but I don't know how well I'll be able to take our next VISA renewal trip :-) (location TBD).

We have only a week and a half left on campus this year before classes are out- and we can use prayer to not be thinking ahead to the break but to finish strong and trust God to see many more come to Christ. At this time of year, many are thinking of family and friends, and the birth of our Savior, but many also are not feeling very joyful, loved, or fullfilled. Pray that we would be able to show Christ's love to them and bring them new hope this Christmas season.

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