Saturday, August 19, 2006

Colorado STINT briefing, prayer requests, support update

Wow, I just read my last post and I am amazed by God's provision! In 11 days my support has gone from 38.5% to 70.9%, which is over $10,000. I have 9 days left, but I'm praying specifically that the remaining $510/month and $3007 will come in at least before next weekend, so that I will have that time to spend with friends and family before I leave.

I am currently at STINT briefing in Copper Mountain, Colorado. It has been an excellent week- I have met my 3 US teammates- Bryon, Emily, and Amber (Angye and Claudia are Venezuelan ladies who will be joining our team when we get there). We seem to have a diverse set of skills and personalities, which I know will be of great help in our ministry as a team this year.

After a seminar on spiritual warfare this morning, I ask your prayers specifically against spiritual attacks on the ladies on our team. STINTers, especially ladies, in the past have often suffered from nightmares and other troubles sleeping, depression, or other troubles. Also pray for excellent communication in our team, that the enemy will not be able to confuse or distort it.

I will be back in Ferndale either tomorrow or Monday, and Lord willing I will be sending my first official newsletter well before I leave, with lots of thanksgiving for God's provision.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Hey there. I'm praying for you and Emily and Angye and Claudia- especially that you and Em will be fully supported with a few days to spare so you can focus on preparation and good byes. It will be cool to see how God provides, whatever the timing turns out to be. Be encouraged and God bless!